Welcome To My Blog!

For the past year, I've had the experience of being a part of the Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club Cookbook Committee. Our committee is in the process of finishing our cookbook, A Stir In The Mist: Tastes and Traditions of Niagara Falls. It is a collection of recipes from the Niagara Falls community and local restaurants. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go directly to the Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club. Just recently I have relocated to Ohio, but still wanted to be involved with the book. After watching the movie Julie and Julia, I was inspired to share the great recipes from our cookbook and the experience I had making each of them. I hope you will enjoy the journey I will take stirring my way through A Stir In The Mist!

Let the "stirring" begin!

Well I have started this venture through the cookbook. First things first, each recipe I do will only be a little story about the steps it took to get to the final product. There will be no ingredients given out and no steps to how I got every great tasting recipe to turn out so delicious. That is for you to find out when you purchase or when someone else purchases"A Stir in the Mist" for you!!

I will apologize now for any grammar or punctuation mistakes I may make. I know I am coming from a family of educators, therefore I should know better about these things, but I may make a few mistakes. Soo lets get started....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Lemoncello is is an Italian lemon liqueur. This special drink is usually enjoyed as an after dinner liqueur. When I first tasted this recipe, I thought "Holy alcohol!" But then the after taste set in and wow what an amazing refreshing cocktail.
The ingredients for this recipe will shock you. First off the little ingredients you will be using to make such an outstanding drink, and second, the amount of vodka may frighten you a little bit but its not like you are going to drink the whole recipe. Well......Maybe.....you will enjoy a few. This drink is very very deceiving. It has such an amazing taste but it is very very strong!
Before you remove the zest from the lemons, you can either get your paring knife ready or your zester. You want to use whatever of the two are sharper. When you remove the zest from your fruit, be sure you remove as little of the white underside of the peel as possible, this will cause your lemoncello to be bitter.
After you have removed all the zest from the lemons, you can now add all your ingredients together into a large bowl. Make sure you you stir the sugar and water very well to blend together. This recipe is nice because there is absolutley no need for boiling.

The lemons you have used for this recipe can be used again. Even though you have used the outside, you can put the remainder of the lemons in the freezer and save for another recipe.

Once you have mixed all the ingredients together you will cover the bowl with saran wrap and then place the bowl in room temp. for 5 days! You do not need to stir or touch until day 5. This recipe, you will find to be very easy compared to recipes that are on the internet. Most recipes call for your lemoncello to sit for a month or forty days! Who has time for that, or better yet who has patients for that. Not I! So when you try this recipe it will give you enough time to get friends or family together a week from when you make it to plan a get together and enjoy Lemoncello.

After day five, you will then pour the lemoncello through a strainer into another bowl so you can seperate the zest from the liquid. The best thing to add to this recipe is a cheese cloth. This will make the seperation of the two a lot smoother. You can find this cloth at any kitchen store nearby.
Once you have removed the zest you can now begin to pour this lemon liqueur into your bottles or if you still have your vodka bottle around, you can pour back into that bottle. Just remember water was added to this recipe so you will have more than a liter. You will need another bottle for the remainder of the liquid.
I hope you enjoy Lemoncello!