Welcome To My Blog!

For the past year, I've had the experience of being a part of the Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club Cookbook Committee. Our committee is in the process of finishing our cookbook, A Stir In The Mist: Tastes and Traditions of Niagara Falls. It is a collection of recipes from the Niagara Falls community and local restaurants. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go directly to the Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club. Just recently I have relocated to Ohio, but still wanted to be involved with the book. After watching the movie Julie and Julia, I was inspired to share the great recipes from our cookbook and the experience I had making each of them. I hope you will enjoy the journey I will take stirring my way through A Stir In The Mist!

Let the "stirring" begin!

Well I have started this venture through the cookbook. First things first, each recipe I do will only be a little story about the steps it took to get to the final product. There will be no ingredients given out and no steps to how I got every great tasting recipe to turn out so delicious. That is for you to find out when you purchase or when someone else purchases"A Stir in the Mist" for you!!

I will apologize now for any grammar or punctuation mistakes I may make. I know I am coming from a family of educators, therefore I should know better about these things, but I may make a few mistakes. Soo lets get started....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chicken Divan

Chicken Divan is one of the many delicious recipes out of our entrees section in the cookbook. I have never tried to make this recipe nor have I ever tasted this dish before so I  am looking forward to putting it all together and trying it out for the first time.This recipe calls for a few different ingredients that I never thought would go together well.
Mayonaise, Curry Powder, Broccolli and more.
I got all my ingredients today from the Italian Grocery Store here in Ohio called
Rulli Bros.
For all you Latina lovers, it is similar but it is as big as a large department store.
To get my chicken was a challenge. I guess I should have gotten a head start a little earlier this morning. The women that were waiting were all a little older and they were shopping
like it was Black Friday  in The Fashion Outlets Mall.
I pulled my ticket  at the meat counter and I pulled #44. Come to find out they were on #13. Normally at Wegmans or any other store you usually pull number 3 and they are on number 2. The women that shop there definitely have there shopping system down, get your number first, then do all your shopping and by the time you are done, your number will most likely be called. 
Oh well now I know. I guess when Chicken Breasts are $1.58 per pound you really cannot blame the chaos.

This dish was a quick dish to make. Especially if you prepare it earlier in the day and about 45 minutes before you are looking to have dinner, you can just put it in the oven.
If you are going to get your ingredients together earlier in the day, I would suggest getting the chicken ready at the last minute. The first step you are told to do in this recipe is brown the chicken in oil before actually baking it with all the other ingredients. When browning chicken you are really not totally cooking it through so I suggest that you do not brown the chicken and then store it in the fridge until you are ready to bake.
Just get your sauces ready ahead of time , but the chicken I would cook right before you know you are going to bake it.

When you put everything in the baking dish there is no right or wrong way just put it all in and top with with all the sauces.

The sauces are pretty thick so cover everything the best you can.

While baking Chicken Divan you can prepare a nice rice dish or salad. You really do not need a side of vegetables to serve with this dinner, because of the mushrooms and broccolli that come right in the dish.

After taking the Chicken Divan out of the oven, you get the most mouth watering aroma that fills your kitchen. The top of it actually looks a little carmalized once it is done.
The flavors from the sauce on top of everything just is amazing and the breadcrumbs that are baked on top just add to the wonderful flavor.

This is a Must Try dish that everyone will love!!
Hope you enjoy
Bon Appetit!


Diane said...

Rulli Brothers must love you now that you've started this venture. Aunt Christine and Michelle are going to have to visit this place, since they share the name. :)
The dish looks appetizing, and looks easy to make. Great photos!!
Love you.

Unknown said...

can't wait to visit the rulli brothers store!!! :)